Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Pentrich Rebellion of 1817.

Someone recently contacted me with some information which I thought I would share on here. Here is their message....
Hello Andy,
Stumbled across your site and had me veiwing for over an hour. I have ancestry from South Wingfield and Pentrich which is the town that spawned what is known as the Pentrich Rebellion
The ring leaders of this uprising of which my GGGG/Grandfather George Weightman is included were sentenced to be hung, drawn and quartered for high treason. 
The sentences were reduced to hanging and beheading outside Derby Gaol on 7th November 1817 and their bodies buried in unmarked graves in Derby's St Werburgh's Church yard. George had his sentence reduced to transportation to Australia for life along with other revolutionaries and never returned to his family in England.Just thought that if you were not aware of this chapter in the history of Derbyshire it may make a fitting inclusion to your fantastic site. 
I hope to make the trip to England and Derby in the next few years to visit where my forebears lived and died and see first hand the subjects of your work.
Cheers for now Keith Millar
Melbourne Australia
Further reading about this here in these links.

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